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Infer.NET user guide

Tutorials & Examples


The following tutorials provide a step-by-step introduction to Infer.NET. Can be viewed through the Examples Browser.

  1. Two coins - a first tutorial, introducing the basics of Infer.NET.
  2. Truncated Gaussian - using variables and observed values to avoid unnecessary compilation.
  3. Learning a Gaussian - using ranges to handle large arrays of data; visualising your model.
  4. Bayes Point Machine - demonstrating how to train and test a Bayes point machine classifer.
  5. Clinical trial - using if blocks for model selection to determine if a new medical treatment is effective.
  6. Mixture of Gaussians - constructing a multivariate mixture of Gaussians.

String Tutorials

The following tutorials provide an introduction to an experimental Infer.NET feature: inference over string variables. The first two tutorials can be viewed through the Examples Browser, and the third one is available as a separate project.

  1. Hello, Strings! - introduces the basics of performing inference over string variables in Infer.NET.
  2. StringFormat Operation - demonstrates a powerful string operation supported in Infer.NET, StringFormat.
  3. Motif Finder - defining a complex model combining string, arrays, integer arithmetic and control flow statements.

Short Examples

Short examples of using Infer.NET to solve a variety of different problems. Can be viewed through the Examples Browser.

Longer Examples

How-to Guides

How to achieve various general tasks in Infer.NET.