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SilkTouch: Slots & VTables

· 6 min read

Please read the previous blog post, which introduces SilkTouch and it's core features Invokes & Marshalling.

This time, we are going to talk about this little yet essential part of SilkTouch and Silk.NET as a whole. We ignored this last time for simplicity. (CurrentVTable as GeneratedVTable).Load(721, "glGetDebugMessageLog").

SilkTouch: Invokes & Marshalling

· 6 min read

SilkTouch? What even is that?

Most people don't realize this, but a lot is going into getting all those bindings going. SilkTouch is our solution to automated marshalling. Let's first look into what our bindings pipeline looks like, and then I'll go into more detail what SilkTouch is, what it does, how it works.

Announcing Silk.NET 2.0 Preview 3

· 4 min read

Woah, this is different. A dedicated blog for Silk.NET and other development news? This is new. I guess now I have to get used to talking about releases instead of that boilerplate Discord announcement we do every now and then. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up to you, but it gives me a chance to talk about all the great things we've been working on for Preview 3.