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Version: v3.0.0-preview


Silk.NET.Windowing is our cross-platform windowing abstraction. For more information about what it is, see the proposal.

As per the proposal, Windowing is implemented in exactly one project/assembly containing the abstractions and one "reference implementation" given available target information (e.g. TFM). Today, this includes:

  • SDL3, used for every platform.

If the user doesn't want to use our reference implementation, it is expected that they use the trimmer to make its presence benign.

Note that for each "reference implementation" it is expected that there shall be a matching Silk.NET.Input "reference implementation" capable of receiving an INativeWindow from the Silk.NET.Windowing implementation in use. How you interpret this requirement is up to you, e.g. we could have a Silk.NET.Input Win32-specific implementation that uses Win32PlatformInfo for our SDL3 surface, likewise we could have a Silk.NET.Input SDL3 implementation that receives a Win32PlatformInfo from a Silk.NET.Windowing implementation and automatically creates a wrapping window - this is up to you (but try to keep it sane please, that last one sounded extremely cursed). Ultimately, the goal is the user being able to pull in Silk.NET.Windowing and Silk.NET.Input, create a surface, be able to do surface.CreateInput() and it all Just Work. Right now, this equates to a 1:1 match of Silk.NET.Windowing/Silk.NET.Input implementations, and is not expected to change.

Silk.NET.Input is completely independent from Silk.NET.Windowing this time around, unlike 1.X/2.X. This is because we believe the Input HLU can target wider applicability beyond just receiving input for a window, with VR being the principal use case in mind when making this decision. For more information, read the Multi-Backend Input proposal.

Most of the files within the top-level Windowing directory are exactly as proposed. The exception is the Surface class, which seeks to make as much common as humanly possible (this includes the Render/Update timing logic and some other auxiliary functions). Beyond that, this is functionally an interface. The actual entry-points into the Windowing API, ISurfaceApplication.Run and IDetachedSurfaceLifecycle.TryCreate, are defined partially with matching implementation parts in the Implementations subdirectories.

To find out more about the implementation details, see the Implementations directory.