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Tools Class

Some useful tools for data grids.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DataGridExtensions
Assembly:  DataGridExtensions (in DataGridExtensions.dll)
public static class Tools

The Tools type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetAdditionalEvents
Gets additional events for a data grid.
Public methodStatic memberGetApplyInitialSorting
Gets the flag to enable the 'apply initial sorting' feature.
Public methodStatic memberGetForceCommitOnLostFocus
Gets a value that indicates if a commit will be forced on the data grid when it looses the focus.
Public methodStatic memberGetIsMultilineEditingEnabled
Gets a value that indicates if multi line editing is enabled for the specified text column.
Public methodStatic memberSetApplyInitialSorting
Sets a flag to enable the 'apply initial sorting' feature.
Public methodStatic memberSetForceCommitOnLostFocus
Sets a value that indicates if a commit will be forced on the data grid when it looses the focus.
Public methodStatic memberSetIsMultilineEditingEnabled
Sets a value that indicates if multi line editing is enabled for the specified text column.
Public fieldStatic memberApplyInitialSortingProperty
Identifies the ApplyInitialSorting dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberForceCommitOnLostFocusProperty
Identifies the ForceCommitOnLostFocus dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberIsMultilineEditingEnabledProperty
Identifies the IsMultilineEditingEnabled attached property
Attached Properties
Public attached propertyApplyInitialSorting
This property is a shortcut for the ApplyInitialSortingBehavior.
Public attached propertyForceCommitOnLostFocus
Identifies the ForceCommitOnLostFocus dependency property
Public attached propertyIsMultilineEditingEnabled
Gets or sets a value that indicates if multi line editing is enabled for the specified text column.
See Also