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Factors and Constraints

Vector and matrix factors

This page lists the built-in methods and operators for creating random variables of type Vector and Positive Definite Matrix. For both static methods and operators, you can often pass in random variables as arguments e.g. Variable<Vector> instead of Vector. For compactness, this is not shown in the syntax below.

These methods provide a convenient short alternative to using Variable<T>.Factor and passing in the factor method, as described on this page.

Distribution Factors

A distribution factor creates a random variable from a parameterised distribution.

Distribution Syntax Description
Dirichlet Variable.Dirichlet(double[] u) Variable.Dirichlet(Vector v) Creates a Vector random variable with a Dirichlet distribution with the specified array or vector of pseudo-counts.
Dirichlet Variable.DirichletSymmetric(int dimension, double pseudocount) Creates a Vector random variable with a Dirichlet distribution whose pseudo-counts are all set to pseudocount.
Dirichlet Variable.DirichletUniform(int dimension) Creates a Vector random variable with a Dirichlet distribution whose pseudo-counts are all set to 1.
Multivariate Gaussian Variable.VectorGaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(Vector mean, PositiveDefiniteMatrix precision) Creates a Vector random variable with a multivariate Gaussian distribution with the given mean and precision matrix.
Multivariate Gaussian Variable.VectorGaussianFromMeanAndVariance(Vector mean, PositiveDefiniteMatrix variance) Creates a Vector random variable with a multivariate Gaussian distribution with the given mean and variance matrix.
Wishart Variable.WishartFromShapeAndScale(double shape, PositiveDefiniteMatrix scale) Creates a PositiveDefiniteMatrix random variable with a Wishart distribution with the specified shape parameter and scale matrix.
Wishart Variable.WishartFromShapeAndRate(double shape, PositiveDefiniteMatrix rate) Creates a PositiveDefiniteMatrix random variable with a Wishart distribution with the specified shape parameter and rate matrix.

Mathematical operations

Operation Syntax Description
Softmax Variable.Softmax(Vector x) Creates a Vector random variable equal to the Softmax of another Vector variable.
Softmax Variable.Softmax(IList x) Creates a Vector random variable equal to the Softmax of an IList variable.
Softmax Variable.Softmax(ISparseList x) Creates a Vector random variable equal to the Softmax of an ISparseList variable.
Rotate Variable.Rotate(double x, double y, double angle) Creates a 2-D Vector random variable from coordinates x and y, and an angle given in radians.
Matrix times scalar Variable.MatrixTimesScalar(PositiveDefiniteMatrix a, double b) Creates a PositiveDefiniteMatrix random variable as the product of another PositiveDefiniteMatrix variable a and a scalar variable b.
Matrix times vector Variable.MatrixTimesScalar(Matrix a, Vector b) Creates a Vector random variable as the product of a Matrix variable a and a Vector variable b.
Matrix times matrix `Variable.MatrixMultiply(double[,] a, double[,] b) Creates a double[,] random variable as the product of two other double[,] variables.

Element Operations

Operation Syntax Description
Concatenation Variable.Concat(Vector first, Vector second) Creates a Vector random variable equal to the concatenation of two other Vector variables.
Vector Variable.Vector(double[] array) Creates a Vector random variable from an array.
Subvector Variable.Subvector(Vector source, int startIndex, int count) Creates a Vector random variable as a sub-vector of another Vector variable.