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Infer.NET user guide : Calling Infer.NET from IronPython

The truncated Gaussian example in IronPython

For a description of this tutorial and the C# code please see the truncated Gaussian tutorial.

IronPython script

# Infer.NET IronPython example: Truncated Gaussian with different thresholds  

import InferNetWrapper  
from InferNetWrapper import *  

def truncated_gaussian():  
 print("\n\n------------------ Infer.NET Truncated Gaussian example ------------------\n");  
 # The model  
 threshold = Variable.New[float]().Named("threshold")  
 x = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(0, 1).Named("x")  
 Variable.ConstrainTrue(x > threshold)  

 # The inference, looping over different thresholds  
 ie = InferenceEngine()  
 threshold.ObservedValue = -0.1  
 for i in range (0, 11):  
 threshold.ObservedValue = threshold.ObservedValue + 0.1  
 print "Dist over x given thresh of ", threshold.ObservedValue, "=", ie.Infer(x)