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Infer.NET user guide

Modifying the operator search path

The operator search path allows you to switch between different implementations of the message operators for a factor. In some cases, Infer.NET includes different implementations of a factor, allowing you to control speed versus accuracy. The search path also allows you to override a built-in message operator with your own implementation.

For example, consider the SumOp class from the page on How to add a new factor and message operators. On that page, SumOp was registered against a custom factor called MyFactors.Sum. Suppose you instead wanted to register SumOp against the built-in factor Factor.Sum. To start, you would change the FactorMethod attribute to read:

[FactorMethod(typeof(Factor), "Sum", typeof(double[]))]  
public static class SumOp 

At this point, you will get AmbiguousMatchExceptions when you try to compile a model, because Infer.NET will find two implementations of the same message. To tell Infer.NET to use your SumOp instead of the built-in class, you add it to the operator search path. This is done by calling engine.Compiler.GivePriorityTo() on an InferenceEngine, like so:

InferenceEngine engine = new InferenceEngine();  

The next time you perform inference with that engine, the model will be recompiled to use your SumOp. Besides a type object, you can also pass in a namespace string, an Assembly, or a Module. GivePriorityTo adds the given type/namespace/Assembly/Module to the front of the search path. To remove SumOp from the search path and go back to the default operator, call RemovePriority:


You can inspect the search path at any time via engine.Compiler.PriorityList.