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Infer.NET user guide : Calling Infer.NET from IronPython

Mixture of Gaussians in IronPython

For a description of this tutorial and the C# code please see the mixture of Gaussians tutorial.

### IronPython script

# Infer.NET IronPython example: A mixture of 2 multivariate Gaussians  

import InferNetWrapper  
from InferNetWrapper import *  

# Initialisation function for breaking symmetry  
def init_func() :  
 return Discrete.PointMass(Rand.Int(2), 2)

# Generate data from function  
def generate_data(n_data):  
 trueM1 = Vector.FromArray(System.Array[float]((2.0, 3.0)))  
 p1 = System.Array.CreateInstance(float,2,2); p1[0,0] = 3.0; p1[1,0] = 0.2; p1[0,1] = 0.2; p1[1,1] = 2.0  
 trueP1 = PositiveDefiniteMatrix(p1)  
 trueM2 = Vector.FromArray(System.Array[float]((7.0, 5.0)))  
 p2 = System.Array.CreateInstance(float,2,2); p2[0,0] = 2.0; p2[1,0] = 0.4; p2[0,1] = 0.4; p2[1,1] = 4.0  
 trueP2 = PositiveDefiniteMatrix(p2)  
 trueVG1 = VectorGaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(trueM1, trueP1)  
 trueVG2 = VectorGaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(trueM2, trueP2)  
 truePi = 0.6  
 trueB = Bernoulli(truePi)  
 data = System.Array.CreateInstance(Vector, n_data)  
 for j in range(0, n_data):  
 bSamp = trueB.Sample()  
 if bSamp:  
 data[j] = trueVG1.Sample()  
 data[j] = trueVG2.Sample()  
 return data

def gaussian_mixture():  
 print("\n\n------------------ Infer.NET Mixture of Gaussians example ------------------\n");  

 # Define a range for the number of mixture components  
 k = Range(2)  

 # Mixture component means  
 means = Variable.Array[Vector](k).Named("means")  
 mm0 = Vector.FromArray(0.0,0.0)  
 mp0 = PositiveDefiniteMatrix.IdentityScaledBy(2,0.01)  
 means[k] = Variable.VectorGaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(mm0, mp0).ForEach(k)  

 # Mixture component precisions  
 precs = Variable.Array[PositiveDefiniteMatrix](k).Named("precs")  
 precs[k] = Variable.WishartFromShapeAndScale(100.0, PositiveDefiniteMatrix.IdentityScaledBy(2,0.01)).ForEach(k)  

 # Mixture weights  
 weights = Variable.Dirichlet(k, System.Array[float]((1, 1))).Named("weights")  

 # Create a variable array which will hold the data  
 n = Range(300)  
 data = Variable.Array[Vector](n).Named("x")  

 # Initialise to break symmetry  
 length = n.SizeAsInt  
 # Create latent indicator variable for each data point  
 z = Variable.Array[int](n).Named("z")  
 # Call initialiser from wrapper  
 InitArray.init_var_arr(z, init_func, length)  

 #mixture of gaussians  
 with (Variable.ForEach(n)) :  
 z[n] = Variable.Discrete(weights)  
 with (Variable.Switch(z[n])) :  
 data[n] = Variable.VectorGaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(means[z[n]], precs[z[n]])  

 # Binding the data  
 data.ObservedValue = generate_data(n.SizeAsInt)  

 # The inference  
 ie = InferenceEngine(VariationalMessagePassing())  
 wDist = ie.Infer(weights)  
 print "Estimated means for pi = (", wDist.GetMean().ToString(), ")"  
 print "Distribution over pi = ", wDist.ToString()  
 print "Distribution over vector Gaussian means ="  
 print ie.Infer(means)  
 print "Distribution over vector Gaussian precisions ="  
 print ie.Infer(precs)