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Infer.NET user guide : Learners : Bayes Point Machine classifiers : Command-line runners

Incremental Training

A Bayes Point Machine is trained incrementally using the TrainIncremental module, both in binary and multi-class classification. The TrainIncremental module reads a serialized trained classifier and a training set and returns an incrementally trained classifier, which can then be used to make predictions or train once more (incrementally).

The TrainIncremental module has the following command-line arguments:

Required arguments

Optional arguments

For more information about the command-line arguments, see Settings. A more detailed explanation of incremental training is available here.


Learner Classifier BinaryBayesPointMachine TrainIncremental   
    --input-model trained-binary-bpm.bin --training-set training-set.dat   
    --model incrementally-trained-binary-bpm.bin --iterations 15 --batches 3   

Learner Classifier MulticlassBayesPointMachine TrainIncremental   
    --input-model trained-multiclass-bpm.bin --training-set training-set.dat   
    --model incrementally-trained-multiclass-bpm.bin --iterations 15 --batches 3