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Factors and Constraints

Boolean factors

This page lists the built-in methods and operators for creating random variables of type bool. For both static methods and operators, you can often pass in random variables as arguments e.g. Variable<bool> instead of bool. For compactness, this is not shown in the syntax below.

These methods provide a convenient short alternative to using Variable<T>.Factor and passing in the factor method, as described on this page.

Distribution Factors

A distribution factor creates a random variable from a parameterised distribution.

Distribution Syntax Description
Bernoulli Variable.Bernoulli(double probTrue) Creates a boolean random variable from the probability of being true P(true).
Bernoulli Variable.BernoulliFromLogOdds(double logOdds) Creates a boolean random variable from the log odds i.e. log P(true)/P(false). Equivalent to Variable.Bernoulli(Variable.Logistic(logOdds)).

Logical Operations

Logical operations are supported via operator overloads or static methods.

Operation Syntax Description
And a & b Creates a boolean random variable which is true if both a and b are true.
Or a or b Creates a boolean random variable which is true if either a or b are true.
Not !a Creates a boolean random variable which is true if a is false.
AllTrue Variable.AllTrue(bool[] array) Variable.AllTrue(IList<bool> array) Creates a boolean random variable which is true if all the elements of array are true. In other words, this is a N-valued AND. Where the array has length two, & should be used instead.

Comparison Operations

Comparison operations are supported via operator overloads or static methods.

Operation Syntax Description
Equals a==b Creates a boolean random variable which is true if a and b are equal.
Not equals a!=b Creates a boolean random variable which is true if a and b are not equal.
Greater than / less than a>b, a<b, a>=b, a<=b Note: a and b must be both double or both int Creates a boolean random variable which is true if a is greater than/less than/greater than or equal to/less than or equal to b.
IsPositive Variable.IsPositive(double x) Creates a boolean random variable which is true if x is positive.
IsBetween Variable.IsBetween(double x, double lowerBound, double upperBound) Creates a boolean random variable which is true if lowerBound <= x < upperBound.