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Infer.NET development

Transform tutorial

Insert your transform into ModelCompiler.ConstructTransformChain(). The first example simply renames the variable firstCoin to x.

internal class DummyTransform : CopyTransform
  public override string Name { get { return "DummyTransform"; } }

  IVariableDeclaration newDecl;

  protected override IVariableDeclaration ConvertVariableDecl(IVariableDeclaration ivd)
    if (ivd.Name == "firstCoin")
      newDecl = Builder.VarDecl("x", ivd.VariableType);
      return newDecl;
    return base.ConvertVariableDecl(ivd);

  protected override IExpression ConvertVariableRefExpr(IVariableReferenceExpression ivre)
    var ivd = Recognizer.GetVariableDeclaration(ivre);
    if (ivd.Name == "firstCoin")
      var ivre2 = Builder.VarRefExpr(newDecl);
      return ivre2;
    return base.ConvertVariableRefExpr(ivre);

  The second example inserts comments for the number of operator calls.

internal class OperationCountTransform : ShallowCopyTransform
  public override string Name { get { return "OperationCountTransform"; } }
  int count;
  int multiplier = 1;

  protected override IStatement ConvertFor(IForStatement ifs)
    IExpression len = Recognizer.LoopSizeExpression(ifs);
    int lenAsInt = 1;
    if (len is ILiteralExpression)
      ILiteralExpression ile = (ILiteralExpression)len;
      lenAsInt = (int)ile.Value;
      multiplier *= lenAsInt;
    var result = base.ConvertFor(ifs);
    multiplier /= lenAsInt;
    return result;

  protected override IStatement DoConvertStatement(IStatement ist)
      return base.DoConvertStatement(ist);

    if (ist is IExpressionStatement)
      IExpressionStatement ies = (IExpressionStatement)ist;
      if (ies.Expression is IMethodInvokeExpression)
        if (Recognizer.IsStaticMethod(ies.Expression, typeof(InferNet), "Infer"))
          return base.DoConvertStatement(ist);
      if (ies.Expression is IAssignExpression)
        IAssignExpression iae = (IAssignExpression)ies.Expression;
        count += multiplier;
        ICommentStatement ics = Builder.CommentStmt(String.Format("{0}", multiplier));
        context.OutputAttributes.Set(ics, new DependencyInformation());
        return base.DoConvertStatement(ist);
    return base.DoConvertStatement(ist);

  protected override void DoConvertMethodBody(IStatementCollection outputs, IStatementCollection inputs)
    base.DoConvertMethodBody(outputs, inputs);
    ICommentStatement ics = Builder.CommentStmt(String.Format("Code has {0} operator calls", count));
    context.OutputAttributes.Set(ics, new DependencyInformation());