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Infer.NET development : Compiler transforms

Gate transform

The purpose of the gate transform is to remove conditional statements in MSL, by replacing them with equivalent code involving duplicated variables. (In fact, some if statements will remain but these are of a special form, and only used to indicate to the MessagePassingTransform that an evidence message is needed.)

There are 3 kinds of conditional statement allowed in MSL:

  1. if statement whose condition is a boolean variable or the complement of a boolean variable.
  2. if statement whose condition is of the form (x==value) where value is a literal boolean or integer and x is a variable or array element. There must be a separate if for each value. This is generated by Variable.Case and abbreviated as a case statement.
  3. if statement whose condition is of the form (x==i) where i is a loop counter ranging over all values of x, x is an integer variable or array element, and x is initialized outside the loop. This is generated by Variable.Switch and abbreviated as a switch statement.

For each of these, the transform does the following:

  1. The condition variable is split into multiple boolean variables, one for each case. These are stored in an array called c_cases which is initialized by Gate.Cases. The c_cases array is given the DoNotSendEvidence attribute.
  2. Each statement inside the body is wrapped by a new if on one of the case variables above. If the statement to be wrapped is a for loop, the wrapping happens to its body (as if the loop were unrolled). After the transform, these wrapped ifs are all that remains from the original conditional. In particular, there will be no more case or switch statements.
  3. Enter variable = A random variable that is used inside the conditional but initialized outside the conditional. An enter variable is split by the transform into multiple clones, one for each case. The clones are initialized by Gate.Enter, Gate.EnterPartial, or Gate.EnterOne as appropriate. Gate.Enter creates a clone for every case. Gate.EnterPartial creates a clone for a subset of cases, for example, if the variable is used in the else clause only. Gate.EnterOne creates one clone only, for situations when the compiler can easily determine that the variable must be used in exactly one case.
  4. Exit variable = A random variable that is initialized inside the conditional and subsequently used outside the conditional. An exit variable is first defined in terms of separate clones, one inside each case. Then the clones are merged by Gate.Exit.

The reason for the variable cloning process is to ensure that no case of the conditional refers to a variable outside of that case. Otherwise it would let information travel freely outside of the case. We don’t want information to travel outside that case unless the case is switched on, and we don’t know that until we perform inference. Also, we don’t want information flowing between mutually exclusive cases of the same conditional. So we use Enter/Exit factors to control the flow of information.

The implementation of GateTransform:

Examples follow.

If statement

Input Output
if(c) {
bool b = Factor.Bernoulli(0.1);Constrain.True(b);
bool[] c_cases = new bool[2];
c_cases = Gate.Cases(c);
if(c_cases[0]) {
bool b = Factor.Bernoulli(0.1);
if(c) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(x, constDist);
bool[] c_cases = new bool[2];
c_cases = Gate.Cases(c);

bool[] x_cond_c = new bool[1];
x_cond_c = Gate.EnterPartial(c_cases, x, 0);

if(c_cases[0]) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(x_cond_c[0], constDist);
if(c) {
double sum = Factor.Sum(array);
bool[] c_cases = new bool[2];
c_cases = Gate.Cases(c);

bool[][] array_cond_c = new bool[1][];
for(int _gateind = 0; _gateind < 1; _gateind++) {
array_cond_c[_gateind] = new bool[3];
array_cond_c = Gate.EnterPartial(c_cases, array, 0);

if(c_cases[0]) {
double sum = Factor.Sum(array_cond_c[0]);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if(c[i]) {
bool b = Factor.Bernoulli(0.1);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
bool[] c_i_cases = new bool[2];
c_i_cases = Gate.Cases(c[i]);
if(c_i_cases[0]) {
bool b = Factor.Bernoulli(0.1);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if(c[i]) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array[i], constDist);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
bool[] c_i_cases = new bool[2];
c_i_cases = Gate.Cases(c[i]);
bool[] array_i_cond_c = new bool[1];

array_i_cond_c = Gate.EnterPartial(c_i_cases, array[i], 0);
if(c_i_cases[0]) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array_i_cond_c[0], constDist);
if(c) {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array[i], constDist);
bool[] c_cases = new bool[2];
c_cases = Gate.Cases(c);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
bool[] array_i_cond_c = new bool[1];
array_i_cond_c = Gate.EnterPartial(c_cases, array[i], 0);
if(c_cases[0]) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array_i_cond_c[0], constDist);
if(c) {
for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array[i], constDist);
bool[] c_cases = new bool[2];
c_cases = Gate.Cases(c);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
bool[] array_i_cond_c = new bool[1];
array_i_cond_c = Gate.EnterPartial(c_cases, array[i], 0);
for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// re-enter non-nested container
if(c_cases[0]) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array_i_cond_c[0], constDist);
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
if(c[j]) {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array[i][j], constDist);
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
bool[] c_j_cases = new bool[2];
c_j_cases = Gate.Cases(c[j]);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
bool[] array_i_j_cond_c_j = new bool[1];
array_i_j_cond_c_j = Gate.EnterPartial(c_j_cases, array[i][j], 0);
if(c_j_cases[0]) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array_i_j_cond_c_j[0], constDist);

Exit variable example

bool x;
if(c) {
x = Factor.Bernoulli(p);
Constrain.EqualRandom(x, constDist);
} else {
x = Factor.Bernoulli(q);
bool x;
bool[] c_cases = new bool[2];
c_cases = Gate.Cases(c);

bool[] x_cond_c = new bool[2];
if(c_cases[0]) {
x_cond_c[0] = Factor.Bernoulli(p);
Constrain.EqualRandom(x_cond_c[0], constDist);
if(c_cases[1]) {
x_cond_c[1] = Factor.Bernoulli(q);
x = Gate.Exit(c_cases, x_cond_c);

Alternative method:

if(c) {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array[i], constDist);
bool[] c_cases = new bool[2];
c_cases = Gate.Cases(c);
bool[][] array_cond_c = new bool[1][];
for(int _gateind = 0; _gateind < 1; _gateind++) {
array_cond_c[_gateind] = new bool[3];
array_cond_c = Gate.EnterPartial(c_cases, array, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if(c_cases[0]) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array_cond_c[0][i], constDist);

Case statement

Input Output
if(i==0) {
bool b = Factor.Bernoulli(0.1);
if(i==1) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(x, constDist);
if(i==2) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array[i], constDist);
bool[] i_cases = new bool[3];
i_cases = Gate.Cases(i);

if(i_cases[0]) {
bool b = Factor.Bernoulli(0.1);

bool[] x_cond_i = new bool[1];
x_cond_i = Gate.EnterPartial(i_cases, x, 1);
if(i_cases[1]) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(x_cond_i[0], constDist);

bool array_2_cond_i;
array_i_cond_i = Gate.EnterOne(i_cases, array[2], 2);
if(i_cases[2]) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(array_2_cond_i, constDist);

Switch statement

Input Output
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if(i==j) {
bool b = Factor.Bernoulli(0.1);
bool[] i_cases = new bool[3];
i_cases = Gate.Cases(i);
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if(i_cases[j]) {
bool b = Factor.Bernoulli(0.1);
bool b = Factor.Bernoulli(0.1);
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if(i==j) {
bool[] i_cases = new bool[3];
i_cases = Gate.Cases(i);
bool[] b_cond_i = new bool[3];
b_cond_i = Gate.Enter(i_cases, b);
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if(i_cases[j]) {
// Make a copy to ensure only one use of b_cond_i[j]
bool b_cond_i_j = Factor.Copy(b_cond_i[j]);
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if(i==j) {
Constrain.EqualRandom(x[i], constDist);
bool[] i_cases = new bool[3];
i_cases = Gate.Cases(i);
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if(i_cases[j]) {
bool x_i_cond_i = Gate.EnterOne(i_cases, x[j], j);
Constrain.EqualRandom(x_i_cond_i, constDist);
bool x;
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if(i==j) {
x = Factor.Bernoulli(const[i]);
Constrain.EqualRandom(x, constDist[i]);
bool x;
bool[] i_cases = new bool[3];
i_cases = Gate.Cases(i);
bool[] x_cond_i = new bool[3];
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if(i_cases[j]) {
bool x_cond_i_j = Factor.Bernoulli(const[j]);
x_cond_i[j] = Factor.Copy(x_cond_i_j);
Constrain.EqualRandom(x_cond_i_j, constDist[j]);
x = Gate.Exit(i_cases, x_cond_i);