Table of Contents

Support hyperlink

In this topic, we will support hyperlinking in rtf files.

Create a hyperlink in the rtf file:

  1. Open foo.rtf by Word.
  2. Add a hyperlink in content
  3. Set the link target to an existing bar.rtf
  4. Save the document.

An author can write any valid hyperlink in the document, and then needs to run DocFX build to update file links.

  1. The hyperlink must be a relative path and not rooted.
    • valid: foo\bar.rtf, ../foobar.rtf
    • invalid: /foo.rtf, c:\foo\bar.rtf,, mailto:foo@bar.foobar
  2. The file must exist.

The story is:

  1. In foo.rtf, it has a file link to bar.rtf.
  2. In document build, bar.rtf generates a file with the name bar.html.
  3. But in foo.rtf, the link target is still bar.rtf, thus in the output folder we cannot find this file and we will get a broken link.
  4. To resolve the broken link, we need to update the link target from bar.rtf to bar.html.

File link is a relative path, but we cannot track the relative path easily. So we track the normalized file path instead.

What is a normalized file path:

  1. It always starts from the working folder (the folder that contains docfx.json), and we write it as ~/.
  2. No ../ or ./ or //
  3. Replace \ with /.
  4. No url encoding. The path must be same as it in the file system.
  5. No anchor.

Finally, a valid normalized file path looks like: ~/foo/bar.rtf.

  • Pros

    • Same form in different documents when the target is the same file.

      When file structure is:


      Link target c/foobar.rtf in foo.rtf and link target foobar.rtf in bar.rtf is the same file. When the working folder is z:\a\, the link target is always ~/b/c/foobar.rtf.

    • Avoids differences in style when referring to the same file.

      For example, the following hyperlinks target the same file: a/foo.rtf, ./a/foo.rtf, a/b/../foo.rtf, a//foo.rtf, a\foo.rtf

  • Cons

    • A folder with the name ~ is not supported.


  1. Open the rtf plug-in library project in Visual Studio.

  2. Add nuget packages:
    for plug-in: Docfx.Utility

  3. Add framework assembly reference: System.Core, System.Web, System.Xml.Linq

Update rtf document processor

  1. Following the rules for hyperlink, add a FixLink help method:

    private static void FixLink(XAttribute link, RelativePath filePath, HashSet<string> linkToFiles)
        string linkFile;
        string anchor = null;
        if (PathUtility.IsRelativePath(link.Value))
            var index = link.Value.IndexOf('#');
            if (index == -1)
                linkFile = link.Value;
            else if (index == 0)
                linkFile = link.Value.Remove(index);
                anchor = link.Value.Substring(index);
            var path = filePath + (RelativePath)linkFile;
            var file = (string)path.GetPathFromWorkingFolder();
            link.Value = file + anchor;

    RelativePath helps us generate the links correctly.

  2. Then add CollectLinksAndFixDocument method:

    private static HashSet<string> CollectLinksAndFixDocument(FileModel model)
        string content = (string)((Dictionary<string, object>)model.Content)["conceptual"];
        var doc = XDocument.Parse(content);
        var links =
            from attr in doc.Descendants().Attributes()
            where "href".Equals(attr.Name.LocalName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || "src".Equals(attr.Name.LocalName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
            select attr;
        var path = (RelativePath)model.File;
        var linkToFiles = new HashSet<string>();
        foreach (var link in links)
            FixLink(link, path, linkToFiles);
        using (var sw = new StringWriter())
            ((Dictionary<string, object>)model.Content)["conceptual"] = sw.ToString();
        return linkToFiles;
  3. Modify Save method with report links:

    public SaveResult Save(FileModel model)
        HashSet<string> linkToFiles = CollectLinksAndFixDocument(model);
        return new SaveResult
            DocumentType = "Conceptual",
            ModelFile = model.File,
            LinkToFiles = linkToFiles.ToImmutableArray(),

View final RtfDocumentProcessor.cs

Test and verify

  1. Build project.
  2. Copy dll to Plugins folder.
  3. Modify rtf file, create hyperlink, link to another rtf file, and save.
  4. Build with command DocFX build.
  5. Verify output html file.